Tip van de week

FST7-TIP: Advice from Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford to new competitors

FST7-TIP: Advies van Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford aan nieuwe concurrenten
In 2023, Mr. won. Olympia champion Derek Lunsford advice to new bodybuilding competitors starting their journey. First remember why you started and then prepare to build a love for training.

Related article: FST7 Posing Tips with Hany Rambod.

Don't worry about what other competitors are doing. You have no control over what others can do. If you are a new competitor, all your competition should do is motivate you to do your best.

Lunsford refined his career by building a relationship, both in and out of the gym, with 24-time Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod. In their first year together, Derek won the 212 Olympia. The following year in 2022, he finished close to his Evogen Elite teammate Hadi Choopan and ultimately dethroned him to take the prestigious title of the Mr. Olympia 2023 to win.

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