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Tip van de weekFST7 Tip: Het Belang van Vrije Gewichten

FST7 Tip: The Importance of Free Weights

24-time Olympia winner coach Hany Rambod talks about the importance of free weights. If you want to build a good foundation, it starts with free weights.

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: 70 seconden op Glute Abductors

FST7 Tip: 70 seconds on Glute Abductors

Add some FST-7 glute abductors to get a nice, round butt! While women will find this exercise perfect as an addition to their leg/butt training, men should also implement this to create a complete...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: De sleutel tot zittende hamstringkrullen

FST7 Tip: The Key to Seated Hamstring Curls

"24-time Olympia winner coach Hany Rambod discusses the key to seated hamstring curls with 2024 Arnold Classic and Arnold Classic UK champion Hadi Choopan. The most important thing is to keep your ...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Laat je armen groeien met variaties van Spider Curls

FST7 Tip: Grow your arms with variations of Spider Curls

If there's one question Hany gets asked more than any other, it's how to grow your arms. Let's face it, no one wants to walk around with small arms that are dwarfed by your sleeves, nor do you want...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Waarom zouden Elektrolyten met Glycerol gebruikt moeten worden?

FST7 Tip: Why should Electrolytes with Glycerol be used?

22-time Olympia winner coach Hany Rambod explains why electrolytes should be used in combination with glycerol for huge pumping effects. The reason you want to use electrolytes with glycerol is fo...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Balanceren om niet te lang 'plat' te gaan

FST7 Tip: Balance to avoid going 'flat' for too long

This week, Hany Rambod, the 24-time Olympia winning coach, discusses the balance of avoiding going 'flat' for too long in the FST-7 Tip of the Week.The Pro Creator talks about getting leaner while...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Rustperiode Timing Tussen Set

FST7 Tip: Rest Period Timing Between Set

24-time Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod answers the question about proper rest time between heavy resistance training sets. The Pro Creator usually recommends 2-3 minutes so you can rest and go a...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Kan Cardio Spieropbouw Vernietigen?

FST7 Tip: Can Cardio Destroy Muscle Building?

24X Olympia winning coach Hany Rambod answers the question of whether cardio can destroy muscle building. If you're eating too little, overtraining, or doing too much cardio - absolutely, it's poss...