Tip van de week

FST-7 Tip: To train the same body part 3 times a week

FST-7 Tip: Voor het trainen van hetzelfde lichaamsdeel 3 keer per week

In the tip of the week, powered by Evogen Nutrition, Hany Rambod discusses training the same body part 3 times a week. This technique can be applied to smaller body parts such as calves and abdominal muscles.

The 24-time Olympian-winning coach suggests that if you plan to train any body part more than once a week, you should focus on your recovery. Make sure you get enough sleep, consume some form of protein every 2-3 hours, and take supplements between meals to maximize your recovery. All of these factors together will help you get back to the gym faster, so you can break down and rebuild muscle after training.

Increase your recovery time with Cell K.E.M. PR Pure Recovery, a post-training creatine + aminobuilder designed by The Pro Creator to get you back faster and stronger to get to the gym.

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