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Tip van de weekFST7 Tip: De sleutel tot hamstring curls

FST7 Tip: The key to hamstring curls

22X Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod talks about the importance of proper knee positioning for hamstring curls. When performing hamstring curls, it is important that your knee is aligned with the ...

Tip van de weekFST7 Tip: Borstondersteunde Machine Rows

FST7 Tip: Chest Supported Machine Rows

22-time Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod shows how to grow the thickness of your back with chest-supported machine rows. Start by pushing your hips back and your chest forward against the pad. W...

Tip van de weekFST7-Tip: Gebruik dual cable lat pulldowns om een grotere rug te bouwen.

FST7 Tip: Use dual cable lat pulldowns to build a bigger back.

22X Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod tells you how to build a thicker back with double cable lat pulldowns, while IFBB Pro Andrei Deiu demonstrates the moves. By using a unilateral double cable ...

Tip van de weekFST-7 TIP: Hany's gedachten over massagepistolen? Actieve therapie?

FST-7 TIP: Hany's thoughts on massage guns? Active therapy?

In this week's tip from FST-7, powered by Evogen Nutrition, Hany Rambod shares his thoughts on using massage guns for active therapy. The 22-time Olympian coach discusses the importance of active...

Tip van de weekFST7 Tip: Heeft slaap invloed op je gains?

FST7 Tip: Does sleep affect your gains?

FST7 Tip of the Week powered by Evogen Nutrition. This week, 22-time Olympia winner coach Hany Rambod answers the question of whether sleep affects your results. The Pro Creator explains his answe...

BlogsOptimaliseer herstel: de cruciale rol van stressvermindering

Optimize recovery: the crucial role of stress reduction

If your schedule looks like the average American's, you don't have much free time. You go through the daily 9-5 grind or focus on your studies. When you have a family, you're busy with housework, r...

Tip van de weekFST-7 Tip: Hoe kan glycerol helpen bij spierpompen tijdens het dieet?

FST-7 Tip: How Can Glycerol Help With Muscle Pumps While Dieting?

22-time Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod explains how glycerol can help with muscle pumps while dieting and when you're feeling 'flat'. While following a diet you feel 'flat' because you have a l...

Tip van de weekFST7 Tip: Voor het trainen van de buikspieren

FST7 Tip: For training the abdominal muscles

22X Olympia-winning coach Hany Rambod offers some tips for training the abs, starting with a warm-up set. Hany believes that every part of the body needs to be warmed up, so start with a few light...